Postcards, Travel May Chang Postcards, Travel May Chang

Postcards from El Chaltén and El Calafate

I saw the most magical sunrise while hiking in El Chaltén

Postcards from my trip in Feb 2023.

Most of these photos from my accidental 16 mile long hike in El Chaltén - the weather was looking too windy (30+mph winds!) to go hiking the other days, so I tried to squeeze in as much as possible in one day. I was so excited to see town afterwards and sit down!

I spent that entire hike in Los Glaciares National Park (Parque Nacional Los Glaciares), and I wish I spent more time there so I could check out all the trails. My favorite was the sunrise hike to Laguna Capri which are most of the postcard photos - the light was phenomenal, and I’ve never seen any sunrise like this. I had the entire lake to myself and it was a quiet and magical moment.

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Postcards, Travel May Chang Postcards, Travel May Chang

Postcards from Ushuaia, Argentina

Ushuaia was more than just a gateway to Antartica, but a region with its own unique hiking opportunities

Ushuaia was surprisingly beautiful. It’s usually branded as “just” the gateway to Antartica (the majority of cruises depart from there), but there were several national parks and trails to explore. In my opinion the scenery isn’t as stunning as other parts of Patagonia, but I’m glad I spent some days hiking in Ushuaia.

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Postcards, Travel May Chang Postcards, Travel May Chang

Postcards from Antarctica

The most amazing views of ice, snow, and animals

Here are some of my favorite photos from Antarctica to tide you over while I find time to blog. Think of it as an amuse-bouche to the main course!

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Travel May Chang Travel May Chang

A place full of wonder

Reflecting on my trip to Antarctica

I went to Antarctica!

Antarctica filled me with wonder.

It’s hard to describe what it was like being in Antarctica. When people ask how my trip to Antarctica was, it takes me a while to come up with the right words. Even now sitting at my computer trying to think about how to describe my experience, I pause and softly smile because for me what best captures the experience of being in Antarctica is a feeling, rather than words. But since I can’t plop you inside my head, let me try to articulate and share that feeling.

There’s that first moment where it hit me that I was in Antarctica - my “oh sh*t” moment (which didn’t happen until my second day, so I was initially worried that I would be let down). The feeling of exhilaration of being actually being there and being surrounded by so much beauty. Then there are the moments scattered throughout the trip of being in awe, moments where I would softly let out a little breathless “wow” when I saw something majestic, like a humpback whale’s tail gracefully emerging from the sea or the intimidating-looking mountains looming over the pure icy blue of enormous glaciers. I felt so incredibly humbled and filled with amazement by the force and the beauty that is Mother Nature.

Then there’s the most memorable part of the trip. I went sea paddling and our group conducted a five minute silent meditation. In those five minutes of silence I was completely immersed in the experience of being in Antarctica. I could hear everything - the air emitting from a humpback whale’s blowhole from some distance away, the gentle lapping of the waves against my kayak, and the splashes from penguins porpoising their way through the ocean. The air was so pure and crisp and clean, and in that moment I felt utterly content and completely at peace.

Then there were times when I’d be in the Zodiac (a small inflatable boat fitting ~8 people that takes you around the icy waters) and it seemed like we were the only ones that existed in the world because you couldn’t see or hear any other people or boats. It was only us and the wildlife, and it felt exhilarating. There was also a feeling of insignificance in knowing that nothing was out there other than the wildlife, miles of snow, and me. Everything else - personal struggles, frustrations at work - fell away. Nothing else mattered except that present moment.

I think the best that I can come up with is that Antarctica filled me with wonder. Wonder at feeling complete with and being one with nature. Wonder at how the universe can create majesty such as this. Wonder at being alive and here and now.

Click through for photos that capture those feelings of wonder.

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Travel May Chang Travel May Chang

Mom, I made it to Antarctica!

I made it to the bottom of the world!

Wow, first post EVER about Antartica. Too intimidated to put more than just one photo, so here you go. Proof I made it to Antartica!

Neko Harbour, Antartica

Important to note: this was an actual CONTINENTAL landing. Prior to this our cruise had only stopped at islands off of the peninsula of Antartica, but this was our first landing on the actual peninsula itself!

(In case you were wondering, no this was not my seventh continent).

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Postcards, Travel May Chang Postcards, Travel May Chang

Postcards from Tour du Mont Blanc

I was completely stunned by the views from the Tour du Mont Blanc

My favorite landscapes from Tour du Mont Blanc - it was so hard to just choose a few! This was one of the most incredible hikes I’ve ever done.

Note: These were taken back in September 2022.

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Postcards, Travel May Chang Postcards, Travel May Chang

Postcards from Grand Teton National Park

Scenic alpine views from Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA.

Photos taken in Aug 2022.

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