Ice Lake


Manang, Nepal (Annapurna Circuit)

I didn’t hike to the Ice Lake until the eighth day of my trek, but it’s a hike that stands out in my mind out of all the 21 days spent trekking the Annapurna Circuit.

Ice Lake was an acclimatization hike during my “rest day” in Manang. The purpose of an acclimatization hike is to expose your body higher altitudes while sleeping at an altitude that your body is already used to. The highest point of the Annapurna Circuit is Thorong-La Pass (5416m) so doing a day hike to Ice Lake (4000m) was a great way to get my body to acclimatize while I slept in Manang (3519m).

Funnily enough, I was more impressed with Saano Khicho, the smaller lake before Ice Lake, than Ice Lake itself. The morning lended itself to calm winds, which meant you could see the reflection of the Annapurna mountains perfectly in the water.

The hike itself was also stunning - beautiful foliage backdropped against clear blue skies. And of course, some animal friends along the way!


  • the morning sun’s golden rays gently splaying over the snowcapped mountain peaks

  • a herd of yaks grazing in the cool morning temperatures

  • stunning autumn foliage contrasting with the vivid blue sky

  • a family of horses frolicking in the grassy meadow

  • an ancient city (Bragha) seemingly carved out of stone

The hike


  • stunning views of the Annapurnas, both in the sky and in the water

  • two lakes, Saano Khicho and Ice Lake, with the former being more impressive than the latter

The Lake(S)

Tilicho Lake, Nepal


Shah-i-Zinda, Uzbekistan