Blues and the zoo
I’m feeling a bit lonely and sad today. It’s likely rooted in hormones (hello, period!) but there are also real feelings there too: I have to remind myself that even though Australia is an English-speaking country with a similar culture to that of the US, moving is still hard - building a new community when you’ve already built an amazing one back in New York, figuring out your career and finding a full-time role that satisfies your career goals (if you’ve even determined them), and trying to stay centered and present and here without running away into the future. Today is just one of those days. But, maybe I can also remind myself that I’d also have sad days no matter where I was, whether that’s here in Sydney, on the mountains in Kyrgyzstan, or back in New York.
In unrelated news, but related in that it’s related to Sydney, here are some pretty crappy photos taken from my visit to the Taronga Zoo this past weekend.