Etosha National Park
The animal post you’ve been waiting for! A dazzle of zebras, a tower of giraffes, a herd of impala (antelope), a crash of rhinos, a coalition of male lions. I had a bit of trouble with the Wi-Fi here so there are lots of photos but little text (not that you need it anyways as the photos speak for themselves! Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge it for a better viewing experience.)
Below are animals stopping by the watering hole during the evening of our first night in Etosha National Park in Namibia. The watering hole was right next to our campsite and it was amazing. We were lucky enough to see black rhinos, which are an endangered species.
One of the highlights during our day game drive was seeing all kinds of animals mingle together at the local watering hole (there’s a theme here). During the day animals will amble over to the watering hole to cool off in the hot weather. I loved watching the giraffes steadily walk over and then awkwardly bend down to drink.

One of the best experiences in Etosha was the night game drive. Our guide was such a badass! She had a keen eye and was able to spot animals in the dark. It was quite impressive how she could simultaneously drive (manual/stick, with one hand!) and search for animals with a red flashlight in her other hand.
The use of red light at night is preferred since it’s less harsh, but it does impact the photos - you’ll see some red animals! . We stumbled upon a coalition of male lions, which was amazing!
Deserts and Dunes from dawn til dusk
This entire day in the southern Namib Desert (Namib-Naukluft National Park) was a dream come true for me. I’ve wanted to visit Sossusvlei, Dune 45, and Deadvlei for several years, after a friend showed me photos of his visit. You’ll see why the stunning landscape piqued my interest!

Another dream come true! This area is famous for its dead skeleton trees, which are scorched black due to the desert sun. The trees are believed to be 800-1000 years old. The starkness of the trees against the jeweled-tone blue sky and orange sand is stunning.

The desert night sky
No words. Being able to see the Milky Way every night has been incredible. Looking up gives me such a strong feeling of wonder and joy and gratitude to be alive and living.